Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Note to Self

When your child is running a temperature of 102.8, try not to panic.  Be calm, give motrin/tylenol on a rotating schedule to help bring the fever down, and monitor for more serious symptoms.

Easier said than done when it's your own child though.  Princess is currently sound asleep on my lap, in a Motrin induced slumber, with a fever that has gradually increased through the evening.  I'm fairly certain it's just a teething fever, as she's not showing any other symptoms of sickness (cough, sneezing, wheezing), and other than being slightly cranky, has been very playful.

It's never easy to have a sick child, and when you're the only one carrying the burden, it can become a very heavy load extremely quickly.  Unless it's a serious illness, I try not to worry my husband over it, as he has a lot on his own plate over in the sandbox.  Good news is great to share, it's a morale booster and spirit lifter, and keeps him thinking of home in a positive light so that we aren't another burden for him to worry over while he needs to be focusing on the danger in front of him.

So, chin up, back straight, I can be a single Mom, and Princess' superhero, and I can hold out for the next year on my own.  We've done it once before, and we can surely do it again, 102.8 fever to boot.

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