Sunday, April 11, 2010

S@HM Insomnia

It's never a good thing to find yourself awake at 4:06am.  When you factor in a 2 year old child sleeping down the hallway who is likely to be up in four to five hours time, when you're essentially a single parent due to a deployment, you've got a disaster in the making.

However, here I sit at 4:06am, my husband is currently thousands of miles away in Iraq, and just down the hallway, a baby monitor away, is my sweetly slumbering Princess, who will indeed be up within a few hours time.  Why, you ask, am I up at this horrific hour?  Insomnia, also known as Night Owl Syndrom (NOS), runs in my family.  The Princess is doomed.  Not only does her mother have NOS, so does her daddy.

I can remember back to being a little girl, stuffing towels in the cracks of my door so that no light would seep out, and staying up until the wee hours of the night wrapped up in a book that was far too good to save for daylight hours.

And now, at the age of 25, I have a new vice.  It's called the internet, and it is only a click away, be it on the computer or my phone, which I call my hand held internet, as it's rarely used for phone calls.  So, rather than sleeping, I'm starting a "Mommy Blog", an idea I've always toyed with, but one I've never put in motion.

How appropriate that it should start in the wee hours of the night, with a slumbering cat on my lap, a picture of the Princess at the corner of my desk, and an email from my husband telling me about the latest sandstorm sitting in my inbox.

The Princess, Age 2

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