Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mirror Image

The second a child is born, after the initial "I created this child, they are mine" moment, everyone begins to do "the comparison".  You know what I'm talking about...

"Oh look at her nose, it's just like your momma's!"
"Oh, look at his ears, they're just like your Grandpa's!"

We try to find the pieces of ourselves that we pass on to our children.

Princess is my spitting image.  Other than her Daddy's long glorious eyelashes (and what a great trait to get!), she could be my mini-me.  If I placed a picture of me at 2 next to a recent picture of her, we could be nearly identical, barring the fact that I'm in 80's style clothing that is never ever going to be on my child.  (Thanks so much Mom.)

But traits aren't all physical.  There are ingrained traits that you may find your child has similar to you as well.  When Princess was in her first year, I would wake up at night to find she had one leg kicked over the covers, and an arm flopped over her head, deep asleep.  I myself do this, and I found it amazing that my child could do something so similar almost straight out of the womb.

Well, today, I found a piece of my husband's personality in Princess.  And boy did I know it was from my husband the moment she did it.  Having put her down for a nap, I lay next to her browsing facebook and twitter on my phone before planning on joining her for a nap myself.

After about ten minutes, Princess farted so loudly that she woke herself up.  She then proceeded to glare at me, and roll over and put her back to me like *I* had done it and disrupted her slumber.  So there you go Princess, you have some of your daddy in you too.  Now if only I can get a repeat scenario once Mr. Combat Boots is home from the desert, so he knows there's a little bit of him in our child too.

Like mother, like daughter.

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