Sunday, May 9, 2010

Letters to Megan

 To my daughter on Mother's Day 2010:

Dearest Megan,

Today is a day that I will always think of you, because you are the reason that I am a mother.  I have a few quotes that I love that I would like to share with you, because I believe them with all of my heart.  The first is, "A Mother's greatest treasure is her daughter".  You are only 2 and 1/2 years old, but for every single day that I have had you in my life, I have thought that at least once. 

Megan Ellesse, you are my pride and joy.  I would jump around with shoes on my head (which I have done!) just to erase the frown from your face.  I would give you piggy back rides for hours, galloping around the house just to hear you squeal with delight.  I never tire of reading endlessly to you from our ever growing collection of children's books.  I can only hope that one day you will have as much love for the written word as your mother and grandmother do.  Inside a book, a story comes to life that can take your imagination anywhere.  And baby girl, you deserve to see new worlds, endless stories, and a doorway that opens to anywhere you want to go.

Mother's Day is not a day of gifts and lavish praises.  It is a day of love between a child and mother.  A celebration of the bond that we have, the joy we share in one another's company, and the endless love that will never fade.  Not a day goes by, my beautiful baby girl, that I don't thank the world for choosing me to be your mother.  I could not ask for a more special and unique daughter to share my advice, stories, and love with.

It is because of you that I am a mother, for the moment I saw your face, I realized a love that is more powerful than anything else that exists in this world.  The love of a mother for her child.
"When the sun is born, so is the day.
When the night is born, so are a thousand stars...
and a wish that has just come true.
When you were born, so was I."

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