Saturday, August 28, 2010

Photography Dump :)

I've been going nuts learning new photoshop techniques the past day or so. >_>  Especially since my child broke my Nikon so I don't have a camera to take NEW pictures with.  And the leaves are starting to fall/change on our walnut trees.  GRR.

So, a three pic spam post!

My puppy Colby, grinning for the camera:

And Ms. Megan, the Corvette Cutie!

(This is probably my favorite picture I've snapped of her all summer.  And once I played in photoshop, I'm pretty damn proud of it.  The small size doesn't do it justice, click on it for the full picture!)

(Why so serious!!!????  Okay okay, :D, I just love the shape of her face and eyes, and this picture shows it so well.)

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