Megan will be 32 months old on Tuesday. Holy. Crap.
I have been stressing over Megan's vocabulary, or more, the lack of it since Megan had turned two. Megan didn't even say "mama" or "dada" until she was almost two, the little stinker. If it weren't for the fact that her physical and muscle growth weren't so pronounced so early (sitting up on her own at 4 months, crawling at 6 months and walking by 9 1/2 months, along with amazing balance, and running and hopping by about 13 months), I think I would have had her tested to make sure nothing was wrong. (Yay, first time helicopter worry wart mom!)
Shortly before going on vacation for the summer, a few of my friends predicted being around other adults and children aside from me would do her a world of good. Starting with our vacation to Texas and staying with Malin's three kids, and then with her grandparents, she started pulling out new words pretty fast. Coming up to Michigan for the summer? I don't even know who this child is!! She's learning so fast! And not just new words, but shapes, colors, and numbers as well!
Megan can identify AND say the following colors:
purple, black,
yellow, and
Megan can identify (not say) the following shapes: circle, line, square, diamond, rectangle, heart, triangle, and star.
Megan can identify (and say 90% of) the following body parts: hair, head, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, teeth, lips, ear (and other ear haha), shoulder, tummy, tushy, vagina, elbow, wrist, hand, fingers, nails, knees, feet, and toes.
Megan can count to 10, as well as put up the corresponding fingers for each number.
Megan can say (and she's starting to identify): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I.
She can identify and say the following animals: Kitty, Dog (though she calls it a woof-woof), Horse (I just finally got her to say horse and not ho-ho, haha), Goat, Duck (though anything with wings equals a duck to Megan), and fish. (I haven't worked with her on animals too much yet).
She's starting to string together 2-5 word sentences, and becoming more and more clear. She's expressing excitement over seeing animals at the zoo!
Megan can say and identify the following family members:
Uncle ( My brother Austin, who is her favorite person ever)
Paw-Paw (My stepdad)
Ki-ki (Jordan's Mom)
Gei-gei (My mom)
Aunty Curly (My sister Carlye)
Anna (our exchange student from Germany who is like a family member)
G-paw (Jordan's stepdad)
While she has strange names for some of the family members, when you ask her who grandpa or grandma is, she will point at them and call them by the nicknames she's assigned them!
One of the biggest things she does that cracks me up is that she refers to herself in the third person.
If I say I'm going to cook, she says "baby cooks too!", or if I say I'm going to drink my tea, she says "baby drink tea too, mama!" She'll also say "Help baby!" instead of "help me". She also loves to say "Baby blows bubbles!" (And she says bubbles like boo-bulls, it's adorable.)
Overall, her vocabulary growth just since May has been ASTOUNDING. I'm so proud of her, and she's turned into such a quick learner.