I never realized just how much fun it could be to watch my child play and learn. She is so bright and catches on to things so fast (we're going to be in trouble soon when she starts repeating things mommy and daddy say!), that I get so much pleasure just sitting back and watching her learn.
Yesterday, I bought her a slip and slide. Knowing that she had more fun just playing with the water that shoots out of it, that's what I aimed for when buying it, and at a second glass I also picked up a little flower sprinkler out of the dollar section at target. Which do you think she likes more? The 30 dollar slip and slide? Or the 2.50 sprinkler?
That's right, the sprinkler. :P
She has such a vast imagination, and can entertain herself for hours as she plays in the water. Give her a bucket and a bottle of bubbles, and she would stay outside all day every day if I let her!
It just goes to show, the simplest things in life can give you the most joy and happiness!
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